What to Eat for Healthy Hair and Skin

It seems like every week there’s some new beauty product out on the market, often offering a quick fix for your unhealthy hair or skin. While some of these products are obviously better than others and do indeed provide you with essential nutrients and nourishment, on the whole they’re simply a temporary solution. The only way to get long lasting healthy skin and shiny strong hair is to heal from within, which basically comes down to the food we eat. It’s an unfortunate fact that many of us do not get the nutrition we need in order to keep our bodies in tip top condition. Fortunately, contrary to what many people believe, feeding you hair and skin is simple – in fact, you’ll find everything you need at your nearest grocery store! To get you started, here are just a few of the types of foods to include on your next shopping list.

Orange-colored veggies – sweet potatoes, squash, yams and, of course carrots all contains large amounts of Beta-carotene which gets converted in to Vitamin A by the liver. This vitamin is essential not only for good vision but for boosting the immune system and maintaining skin health. It is especially good for anyone with acne as it has the ability to shrink the sebaceous glands and control the amount of oil they produce.

Avocados, nuts, seeds and wheat germ – these are all great sources of Vitamin E, a must-have vitamin when it comes to skin protection and healing. While foods containing this vitamin tend to be higher in fat, it is what the experts refer to as a ‘good’ fat, as opposed to that artery-clogging saturated stuff! Vitamin E can protect our skin from UV damage, lessening the risk of skin cancer and age spots. It is also an excellent anti-inflammatory and has a significant effect on the development of lines and wrinkles.

Salmon, sardines, flaxseed, walnuts – these foods are perfect for upping your intake of Omega-3 fatty acids. While Omega-3 has gained popularity recently in terms of maintaining brain health, it is one of the absolute best foods for healthy, shiny hair - and something that many of us just don’t get enough of! A diet that is rich in this fat will help strengthen the hair follicles, allowing the hair to grow longer with less chance of breakage. It boosts the scalp’s circulation, encourages hair growth and reduces hair loss. Skin will look smoother, clearer and less prone to dry, flaky patches.

Citrus fruits and green, leafy vegetables – the experts aren’t lying when they tell you to get your ‘5-a-day’ of fruits and veggies, particularly these, which are all high in Vitamin C. Probably the most well-known of the vitamins, it has numerous benefits, not only in its immune-boosting ability. Vitamin C has an effect on collagen, the substance essential for healthy, young looking skin. There’s a reason why so many skin creams claim to contain collagen or ‘boost’ its production! While you may automatically think of oranges or lemons as a source of this vitamin, there are actually foods that contain higher levels, including bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes and strawberries, all of which can be incorporated into the diet in a variety of delicious ways!

So go ahead – get creative in the kitchen! Find some delicious ways to incorporate these foods in to your diet and in no time at all your hair and skin will be glowing from within.